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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Yoga – Can Change Your Life

  • Yoga retreats enables a person to take time out from their everyday stresses, imposed by their normal living conditions and their working lives. The period of time spent there, permits them to spent quality time on themselves and to reconnect to their mind, body and spirit.
  • A yoga holiday is an ideal way to relax and recharge. It can also help to physically tone up the body externally and internally. Plus, they give a person the opportunity to enjoy scenic surroundings, as many yoga retreats are located in beautiful locations around the world.

Yoga - Can Change Your Life

  • Yet another important benefit of taking a yoga holiday is that time spent there encourages relaxation, by learning the art of yoga and meditation. This has long lasting affects because of being able to take away the knowledge of how to perform different Asana’s yoga positions and techniques.
  • There is also the opportunity of enjoying a wide range of Holistic treatments which further encourage good health, plus physical and mental well-being.
  • Other activities, such as walking, cycling, excursions and the prospect of meeting like minded people are also accessible at yoga retreats. This adds to the opportunity to d-stress, revitalize and ‘just be’.
  • Stress contributes to 70% of the world diseases, according to the The World Health Organization (WHO). Many doctors now realize the benefits of yoga and by attending a yoga retreat or yoga holiday, you learn techniques which will lessen the likely-hood of a stress related illness.
  • The emotional benefits are also highlighted here, as stress is known to cause an emotional imbalance in an otherwise level headed person. By practicing Yoga a person finds it’s a great way of harmonizing both mind, body and emotions.
  • Therefore, participating in a yoga retreat and in fact, even going on many different yoga retreats whenever possible, really does have both short term and long term benefits.
  • These specialist types of holidays are a fantastic way to recharge, retreat and then re-enter your everyday life, revitalized and with a great feeling of well-being, both mentally physically and spiritually
  • For the number one stress buster, you should definitely consider spending time at one of the many yoga retreats which are available.

Tags: Yoga
3 Easy & Effective Steps to Melt Away Fat

  • Are you trying diet after diet and you’re just not getting the results? Alright, take a couple of quick minutes out of your day and read on to discover 3 easy and extremely effective steps that will work wonders at burning off stubborn fat starting today:

  • 1. Compound Weight Training – Instead of doing the typical isolation exercises (working a single muscle group at a time), I highly recommend for you to do compound training (working more than one muscle group at once). This will not only develop more strength quickly, it will also burn off stubborn fat (such as that around your stomach) very fast since this type of workout burns off a ton of calories.

Examples of compound training are bench presses, squats, dead lifts, and more.

  • 2. Increase Water Consumption – It doesn’t get any more easier than this! To seriously speed up fat loss and weight loss, increase the amount of water you drink to 1-2 gallons a day. You will get rid of water weight LIGHTNING FAST, boost your metabolism, flush out nasty toxins and parasites in your body that are retaining fat on you, and so much more!

  • 3. Turbo Charge Your Metabolic Rate – Firstly, please make sure that you increase your metabolism naturally. Don’t fall for those crazy fad diets or diet pills claiming to increase your metabolism. Those types of things actually will end up reducing your metabolic rate once you finish using them… go figure! The most natural and most effective way to increase your metabolism is with food.

  • Some things I recommend for you to do that will have you lose inches off your stomach fast is to eat more frequently through out the day (I recommend eating every 2-3 hours with a small healthy meal), add spices to your meal (cinnamon and cayenne pepper will do wonders for burning off stubborn fat), and calorie shifting.

Tags: lose weight, Lose Your Weight
Simple Diet Tips

Everybody knows that the only way to get 6 pack abs is by losing body fat and simultaneously exercising the abdominal muscles. This combination will ensure that the abdominal muscles will be rock hard and be easily visible. Since losing body fat is crucial to getting 6 pack abs, you have to get rid of it by exercise and dieting.

  • You have to follow a very strict and well planned diet if you wish to get 6 pack abs. Your diet needs to be low in calories so that your body burns up its stores of fat. At the same time, you need to have sufficient calories so that you do not get weak. Exercise is the way you can get in shape and you need to eat sufficient food if you are to exercise. Your diet therefore needs to be well balanced.

  • One way you can reduce calories while still getting energy is to split your total intake into 6 smaller meals. You should also eat only natural foods, taking care to avoid processed foods. Add foods such as vegetables, fruits, low fat meats, eggs, whole grains and beans to your diet so that you get fantastic amounts of proteins and the required amounts of carbohydrates. Protein is very important because it will help you lose weight faster since the body requires extra effort to metabolize it. It is also necessary to build muscle for your 6 pack abs.

  • You cannot avoid fats entirely. You should therefore try to limit your intake to healthy fats such as olive oil and also from fish such as tuna and salmon. These fats are actually beneficial to you and they will be metabolized easily.

  • You also need to drink lots of water since this is a crucial element of your fat loss diet. Stick to this diet as much as possible if you wish to achieve your dream of getting 6 pack abs. Of course, you are permitted to deviate from this diet once in a while, but it will be good to remember that the stricter you are with yourself; the closer will be your target.

Tags: 6 pack abs, Diet Tips, Simple Diet Tips
Beauty Tips and Advice For Dark Circles in Eyes

This skin problem is a condition that afflicts a significant number of our population. We are all prone to the appearance of this skin problem. Because the skin in this part of our face is thinner, it is vulnerable to damages.

But let me tell you some Beauty tips on how to get out of dark circles under your eyes:

1. Exercise daily to improve blood circulation. If you are stressed out all the time, your skin tends to look paler. Your circulatory functions are not working properly during this time. You need to exercise to boost blood circulation. It will make your face look more vibrant and less stressed. In addition to that, exercising can help release endorphin. This is the hormone that encourages “feel-good” feelings. This will make you feel more energetic.

2. Stay away from the sun’s UV rays. When you are going outdoors, you might want to use sun glasses or apply sun block. UV rays tend to mess up with the core functions of our dermis. The skin under your eyes is more vulnerable to the damaging effects of the sun’s UV rays. These rays speed up the aging process of the dermis. Your thin skin can get thinner.

3. Use an ideal eye cream. Your eye cream should be made up of natural ingredients such as Eyeliss, Haloxyl and Babassu. Eyeliss is an ingredient that plumps up weak skin cells. This is made up of natural peptides. Peptides can improve cellular circulation. This ingredient can also improve the thickness of the dermis. Haloxyl can lessen haemoglobin in red blood cells. Due to improper circulation, some cells leak to the surface layers of the skin. By lessening the haemoglobin that gives red color to them, you are lessening the appearance of dark circles. Babassu contains emollient properties. This ingredient creates an invisible shield on the surface of the skin to ward of external aging factors such as toxins, allergens and pollutants.

4. Use chamomile tea bags. Soak chamomile tea bags in lukewarm water first. The temperature of the water can help loosen up constricted blood vessels. Apply the chamomile tea bags under your eyes. Let it stay on your skin for about 15 minutes. Chamomile also contains components that can reduce leaking red cells.

Tags: Avoid Dark Circles, Beauty Tips, Skin Care Tips
How to Look Young – Drinking Water is Helpfull?

It’s common knowledge that drinking plenty of water every day is a big part of the secret on how to look young. Or is it?

Gulp all the water you want every day, but if your cells can’t absorb that moisture correctly, you might as well save your bladder the trouble – at least as far as anti aging hydration goes.

When we are young, the human body produces plentiful amounts of a vital substance named Glucosamine.
  • You see, when we’re young, or bodies produce generous amounts of what is known as Glucosamine. The key role of Glucosamine is to keep moisture in your cells. It’s a highly vital, natural moisturizer, and it is partly responsible for keeping our faces “young and plump” when we are young.
  • It is also a major reason why your face drops its plumpness to the wayside as you age (along with loss of collagen). As you get older, Glucosoamine levels diminish, along with your skin’s ability to hold water. As you age, your skin and body has less and less ability to absorb the water you supply it with, and so you dry up, and lines and wrinkles ensue.


  • It’s great news for you, as you now know this, and as you may know, Glucosamine is available for sale in most health food shops. When you start giving your body this vital component to youth, it will help your body mimic what it did when you were in your teens. What do you think that means?
  • Younger looking skin! Smoother complexion, smaller pores – basically a younger, much better feeling version of yourself. If you purchase Glucosamine, make sure you get what is known as Glucosamine Sulfate. There are other types, but they have found to not be as effective towards wrinkle reduction as Glucosamine Sulfate.
  • Alright, so consuming water isn’t completely pointless, as the body does need water. However, drinking water beyond what you normally do to satisfy your thirst is in fact pretty close to being pointless. Until now, that is, because now you know the secret.
  • Of course, just because you’re taking Glucosamine does not mean that now you’re going to all of a sudden look 20 years younger. That is why it is important that you apply a high quality anti aging/anti wrinkle cream after washing your face morning and night.
Tags: Beauty Tips, Look Young, Skin Care Tips
Top 10 Hair Loss Causes

Hair Loss Caused by Stress
  • Hair loss is a common occurrence between both men and women alike. However, a lot of people may have experienced a dramatic increase in hair loss because of stress. It is no mere coincidence and there is actually a whole science behind this association...
  • People undergoing certain medication have reported or been observed to suffer thinning hair. Clinical studies point to some medical products that have unwanted side effects that include hair loss...
Hair Loss Caused by Thyroid
  • Although there are a lot of medical situations or conditions that may cause hair loss such as surgery, certain medications, and nutritional deficiencies, hair loss caused by thyroid issues is definitely one of the more prominent afflictions among men and women alike...
Hair Loss Caused by Weight Loss

  • It is true that there are more than just a few reasons behind hair loss. However, there are also a number of both stories and studies that link this condition with weight loss...
Hair Loss Caused by Hormones

  • Before we get into the discussion of hair loss caused by hormones, it is necessary to first understand the role of testosterone – the sex hormone in males. Along with other hormones that also share the same masculinizing effects, testosterone is also produced in the male’s testicles...
Hair Loss Caused by Birth Control
  • Birth control can be a traumatic stressful event in a woman’s life. For whatever reason, using birth control pills, terminating a pregnancy as well as childbirth can cause changes in the woman’s hormonal balance that can trigger hair follicles to eventually fall out...
Hair Loss Caused by Chemotherapy

  • Anagen Effluvium, also known as cancer treatment hair loss, is the scientific name of hair loss caused by Chemotherapy. In this type of condition, sudden loss of hair is experienced by the patient as a direct result of the exposure to chemicals and radiation involved in Chemotherapy...
Hair Loss Caused by Antibiotics
  • There is probably no drug in the market that does not have its own set of side effects. Perhaps this is even truer when it comes to antibiotics. These types of medications can be considered as more powerful as they serve specialized functions in order to cure specific ailments. One possible side effect of antibiotics is hair loss...
Hair Loss Caused by Fungus

  • Although there are a number of known fungal infections that may cause some type of hair loss, Tinea Capitis is probably the most common type of hair loss fungal infection. This particular infection actually affects the scalp and is also known in some circles as the scalp ringworm...
Hair Loss Caused by Vitamin Deficiency

  • Although a majority of adults understand that hair loss caused by vitamin deficiency is one of the more common types of causes for this particular condition, there are still some who refuse to recognize this fact. The truth is that our bodies need a number of essential vitamins and minerals in order to function effectively...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Cholesterol Facts

Cholesterol Reduction Treatment

Sudhani K

Cholesterol Facts
  • With all the news and warnings about the dangers of high cholesterol, many people view cholesterol as a bad substance that should be eliminated completely from our lives. In truth, cholesterol serves some important functions in the body. In order to understand how cholesterol affects the body, one must first understand what cholesterol is.
  • Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is attached to the fats in our bloodstream and is present in all of the cells of the body. Cholesterol comes from food that we eat, as well as being manufactured directly by the liver. Cholesterol is an important regulator in the bloodstream, as it helps to regulate the formation of many cells as well as hormones. However, to have too high or too low of a cholesterol count in the blood can be a very dangerous factor, often leading to a heart attack or a stroke. Although cholesterol is prevalent in the blood stream, it cannot dissipate in the blood. The cholesterol maneuvers throughout the body attached to lipids (fats).
  • There are two main types of cholesterol. The first type is called LDL cholesterol, and the other is HDL cholesterol. LDL cholesterol, otherwise known as low-density lipoprotein, is considered the dangerous cholesterol. LDL cholesterol can build up on the artery walls. Over time this plaque build-up blocks blood flow, reducing circulation and causing stress and damage to the heart. This raises blood pressure, and eventually leads to heart disease or a heart attack. Individuals that have higher levels of LDL run a much higher risk of having heart disease. Although LDL is affected by genetics, there are several precautions that individuals can take towards keeping safe LDL levels.
  • The other form of cholesterol is HDL, or high-density lipoprotein. HDL is considered the good cholesterol. HDL cholesterol is important for the body to have as this type of cholesterol helps filter out LDL cholesterol from the lining of the arteries, as well as transporting fat in the bloodstream (triglycerides) to the liver so that it can be excreted from the body. It is believed that even having high levels of HDL is safe, as it can help protect one's heart from a heart attack or stroke. Low counts of HDL could potentially lead to a heart attack and stroke, however this is rare for people eating a western-style diet, which is typically high in both forms of cholesterol.
  • Most of the cholesterol in our bodies comes from the foods we eat. Foods high in fats, particularly saturated and trans fats, contribute to high levels of LDL cholesterol. Meat and dairy products are the main sources of LDL cholesterol, while leafy vegetables, fruits, and nuts are more nutritious alternatives that have higher levels of HDL cholesterol. While genetics does play a role in cholesterol levels, a change in diet is the most effective way to lower dangerous cholesterol levels, and reduce your risk of heart disease and associated health problems.
  • Certain natural substances found in Vasacor, including plant sterols, fish oils, and policosanol have been shown in numerous clinical studies to be highly effective in promoting healthy cholesterol levels, particularly when combined with a healthy diet and exercise. If you are concerned about your cholesterol levels, now is the time to make a change, and Vasacor can help.
A Practical Approach To Healthy Eating

  • I have been doing push-ups five days a week for over 25 years. My arms are pretty strong but it did not happen overnight. I did not do push-ups for a ...

Nehemiah Maxwell

  • I have been doing push-ups five days a week for over 25 years. My arms are pretty strong but it did not happen overnight. I did not do push-ups for a couple weeks or months and then stopped. I had to make push-ups a habit if I wanted to continuously get the results I have.
  • Exactly the same holds true with healthy eating. You will never be healthy, eating healthy foods occasionally. You have to make healthy eating a habit if you want to obtain nutritional health. People jump on the "band wagon" of healthy eating when they read books or view websites that talk about nutrition. While many of these books and websites tell you what you should eat in-order to be healthy, they fail to teach you how to make healthy eating a habit. Thus in a short period of time when temptations come, people fall right back into their old unhealthy eating habits.
  • What is a Habit? According to Webster's dictionary a habit is "a behavior pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic exposure that shows itself in regularity or increased facility of performance." Can you see that if we simply apply this principle to healthy eating we will be on our way to vibrant health?
Bad Eating Habits:
  • Bad eating habits do not develop overnight. For most people these habits began forming when they were kids. Thus one reason why many adults have a hard time breaking their bad eating habits is because these habits have been a part of their lifestyle for many years.
Why Do We Eat Food?
  • There are two main reasons why we eat food. One is to supply fuel for our body. The other reason is for pleasure. Unfortunately some of the foods that gives us pleasure are unhealthy.
  • Most people make their food selections based on what they see, smell or taste. Look at these three sentences: That pie sure looks good! That pie sure smells good! That pie sure taste good!
  • Notice that all three statements involve food and pleasure. However the food that is producing the pleasure (in this situation the pie) may or may not be good for you from a nutritional standpoint. That is why we need to be wise in our food selections and not simply leave it up to our sense of sight, taste or smell.
Eating Healthy Can Be Enjoyable:
  • Some people think of eating healthy as being boring and tasteless. I think that one reason they feel this way is because most of the commercial ads we see promote foods high in calories, fat, or sugar and only a small percentage of food advertising is done for fruits, vegetables, grains and beans. Thus if there was more nutritional education, more and more people would find eating healthy to be pleasurable and tasty.
  • How Healthy Eating Habits Changed My Life: In 1998 my wife finally talked me into going to the doctor to get a check-up. I was not feeling sick but she clearly said that it was a good idea to get a yearly physical examination. Thank God I listened to her.
  • I have been athletic all my life. I run 18 miles a week. So when I went to the doctor I was not expecting to hear the bad news he gave me. He told me I had borderline diabetes.
  • Diabetes can be very dangerous if not treated. It is one of the leading cause of death in the United States. It is a disease of the pancreas that causes the body to stop producing the insulin it needs to regulate blood sugar.
  • My doctor told me that I did not need to be put on medication, however he suggested I start reading some books on healthy eating. That was the beginning of my path to healthy eating habits that turned my health situation around. Today I can honestly say that I am in excellent health. I feel great, I sleep great, people tell me that I do not look my age, I maintain a healthy weight, I do not take any type of medication, my blood pressure is normal, my blood sugar is normal, my cholesterol is normal, my immune system is strong, and the list goes on.
  • I do not believe that I am healthy because of chance. I strongly believe that one main reason that I am healthy is because I take personal responsibility for my health. Making healthy eating a habit is a great part of this responsibility. Our physical bodies have laws that are governed by proper nutrition. If we violate these laws by consistently eating unhealthy foods, we are going to get sick.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Treatments For Hair Damage

  • There are many treatments for hair damage but the most effective is the one that actually hits the spot and takes care of the root problem, and helps strengthen the hair and reduce the damage.
  • The first thing about the protein treatment of hair is that you just do not have to use it in your hair but also include a lot of protein in your diet. A healthy diet with all the nutrients including excess of proteins will indirectly provide your hair with the proteins that they so necessarily need.
  • Keratin is the name of the protein that hair requires. With the presence and availability of this protein in the hair not only there is less hair damage but also there is more growth of hair.
  • This can be made available if you use the extracts of milk, vegetables and wheat proteins directly on the scalp. There are many homemade protein remedies that can be regularly applied to make your hair strong and shiny.
  • If you use beer, lemon juice and vinegar to wash your hair, they will be nourished by their components and the end result is invariably shiny hair.
  • One of the finest protein treatments for frizzy hair is by mixing almond oil, honey and hair conditioner and applying the mixture on your hair and leaving it on for at least 20 minutes. Then wash it all out using water. The almond and honey will provide the required nourishment while the conditioner will cleanse and make the hair shiny.
  • Also, you can take one or two eggs, depending on the length of your hair and beat the eggs in a bowl. Add any natural oil to the mixture. But it is preferred that you add olive oil. If you prefer a mixture that is creamier than liquid, then you can add some conditioner to it as well.
  • Otherwise the mixture will remain in the liquid form. Drape a towel around your shoulders and apply the mixture generously. Apply from the root and go to the tip. Leave the mixture on the head for about an hour. Then rinse it from the hair using lukewarm water and apply moisturizing conditioner. What you will end up with is super smooth hair.

Tips About Skin Care

Tip 1: Give Yourself a Dry Brush Exfoliation
  • A dry brush exfoliation can be done in the morning before you shower. It eliminates dead skin cells and allows the skin to detox (skin is the largest organ of elimination). Dry brush exfoliation also improves lymph and blood circulation and decreases puffiness. An added benefit is that the gentle pressure is calming to the nervous system. To give yourself a dry brush exfoliation, you'll need a soft, natural bristle brush
Tip 2: Rev Up Your Digestion
  • In alternative medicine, good skin is a reflection of a good digestive system. People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation, imbalanced "good" vs. "bad" bacteria, leaky gut, and other digestive conditions. The two most common sluggish digestion culprits are:
Culprit #1: Not Enough Water Water bathes cells and eliminates waste products, preventing constipation. 5 Ways to Boost Your Water Intake

Culprit #2: Not Enough Fiber Most people lack fiber in their diets - the average person eats only 12 g of fiber a day. In 2002, the National Academy of Sciences Food and Nutrition Board established recommended fiber intakes. For men aged 19-50 years, 38 g fiber is recommended, and for men over 50, 31 g fiber is recommended. For women aged 19 to 50 years, 25 g fiber is recommended, and for women over 50, 21 g fiber is recommended.

Some suggestions:
  • Add Whole Grains - Choose whole grain products over refined. Have brown rice instead of white or make your own 50:50 combination.
  • An Apple a Day - Have an apple, skin on, as a snack.
  • Eat Cauliflower - Try this delicious Roasted Cauliflower recipe!
  • High-fiber snacks - Snack on nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, figs, and prunes.
  • Try a "Prune Power" Smoothie - Prunes are a great source of fiber. Start your day with this tasty Prune Power smoothie.
  • Eat Beans and Legumes - Open a can of your favorite beans or legumes. Rinse them well and add them to your meal.
  • Ground Flaxseeds - For any easy fiber boost, sprinkle ground flaxseeds (available at health food stores) on rice, salads, oatmeal, or any other meal. Store flaxseeds in the fridge.
Tip 3: Invigorate Sluggish Circulation
  • Do you sit at your desk for hours, only getting up to go to the bathroom? One of the best things you can do for your skin, stress level, and overall health is to get moving! Inactivity may affect skin and promote bloating and puffiness, acne, cellulite, and loss of muscle tone. You'll learn more about exercise in Step 9 of the Wellness Makeover. Here are some quick suggestions:
  • Take a quick break to go outside and walk around the block.
  • Book a massage therapy appointment.
  • Close your door and stretch.
  • Go to the gym.
  • Start each morning by stretching.
  • Get a skipping rope.
Tip #4: Avoid Excess Sugar

  • Most people do not realize this but excess sugar is considered one of the main causes of premature aging. The more sugar we eat, the more sugar we have entering our bloodstream. Over time, this can result in a process known as glycation, which is when a glucose (sugar) molecule damages a protein molecule by sticking to it. The new molecules formed are called advanced glycation end-products, or AGEs. AGEs damage collagen in skin, cartilage, and ligaments and promote a loss of elasticity. Wrinkles form and skin begins to sag.
  • Try This - It may seem impossible to reduce your sugar intake, but it can be done! A gradual approach works best. In the next week, choose one thing you're going to do to decrease the amount of sugar you consume. For example, start by cutting the amount of sugar in your daily coffee or tea by half. Every week, find another way you can decrease your sugar intake. Pretty soon, you'll be surprised at how far you've come!
Tip #5: Eat Some Good Fats
  • Essential fatty acids are simply fats your body cannot live without. They are needed to make cell membranes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Essential fats are thought to keep your heart healthy, fight inflammation, and possibly prevent cancer. They are also particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne, and also for people with dry skin. People with essential fat deficiency sometimes notice bumps on the backs of their arms. Here are my suggestions on getting more essential fats:
  • Flaxseed and walnut oil - Use flaxeed oil or walnut oil with balsamic vinegar as a salad dressing. Be sure to keep these oils refrigerated. They should not be heated or used for cooking.
  • Cold water fish - Sardines are a good source of essential fats. Salmon is another good source, however these salmon accumulate toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (otherwise known as PCBs) in their body fat during the 95 percent of their lives they spend at sea.
  • Supplements - Consider fish oil supplements.
  • icles
  • Skin Care - Skin Care Tips
  • Body Care - Body Care Tips and Advice
  • Acne Skin Care - Share Your Autumn Acne Skin Care Tips
  • 6 Tips to Get Rid of Dry Skin - Get Rid of Dry Skin Caused by Winter with T...
  • Skin Care Tips - 10 Skin Care Tips for Fall

Meditation Tips For Most Beginners

  • For most beginners, meditation seems to be an instant remedy to all their troubles. But that should not be the case, because meditation also requires dedication and commitment and that will be achieved through enough sessions and adequate practice.
  • The reason why a number of students stop meditation is their lack of commitment to their purpose. The main task for beginners will be to remain committed and consistent in going to their meditation classes.
  • The best start is to plan a daily practice and stick to it religiously. Everything will follow after it. You will be able to learn and realize the benefits of what you are doing such as enhanced well being, spiritual confidence and many more.
  • You can actually contrast meditation to life. If you are consistent with what you want to do with your life, it’s possible to achieve better things because of your dedication and persistence. Precisely the same with meditation, once you learn and totally trust on the force of meditation, you’ll be consistent in doing it. Therefore, you will probably be successful in achieving your goals of getting healthy and confident.
  • Once you really feel good about your practice, you can then experiment with more intense practices. You can then do longer meditations, or you can do more challenging meditations. Until then, just relax, enjoy, and focus on consistency.
  • Soon after recognizing the substantial worth of meditation in your own life, you can already accentuate your practice through the following steps.
* Breathe deeply and slowly. It is crucial to focus on the feelings of maintaining relaxation as you breathe out

* Pursue breathing deeply and slowly. Do not break your concentration and relaxed feeling.
* You may continue this routine as long as you deemed it necessary.
* Finally, when you are about to complete your session for the day, make it a point to feel relaxed and think positively of the session that you will undergo.

Description About Yoga

                               What Is Yoga

  • In the present time, more and more people, especially the Westerners, are resorting to Yoga to find cure for chronic health problems and attain a peace of mind. They are also curious about knowing what exactly is Yoga and what are included in it. Although many of us are well aware of the heath benefits of the physical activity, not every one knows about the origin and exact definition of Yoga. It is a popular belief that Yoga merely includes stretching and warm up exercises. Of course, yoga involves stretching, but includes many other things beyond that.
  • Originated in ancient India, Yoga typically means 'union' between the mind, body and spirit. It involves the practice of physical postures and poses, which is sometimes referred to as 'asana' in Sanskrit. As the name suggests, the ultimate aim of practicing Yoga is to create a balance between the body and the mind and to attain self-enlightenment. In order to accomplish it, Yoga makes use of different movements, breathing exercises, relaxation technique and meditation. Yoga is associated with a healthy and lively lifestyle with a balanced approach to life.
  • The oldest physical discipline in existence known to humankind, Yoga brings stability to the body and the wavering mind. It increases the lubrication of joints, ligaments and tendons of the body. Studies in the field of medicine suggest that Yoga is the only form of physical activity that provides complete exercise to the body, because it massages all the internal organs and glands. This in turn reduces the risk of many diseases. Yoga can create a positive permanent difference to the lifestyle of anybody practicing it on a regular basis.
  • Yoga is the perfect way to ensure overall health and physical fitness. Through meditation, breathing exercises (called pranayams); you can banish all your stress and lead a healthy life. In fact, it is one of the best remedies known to humankind, for curing chronic ailments that are otherwise difficult to be cured by other medications. People suffering from backaches and arthritis are often suggested to do asanas that concentrate on providing exercise to the muscles at the strategic locations. Pranayams are the best exercises to increase the capacity of lungs capacity.
  • The amazing thing about Yoga is that its positive effects on the health and mind are visible over time. Another specialty about Yoga is its wide choice of asanas. Depending upon the stamina and overall health, you can choose from the mild pranayams, asanas to high intensity asanas. It is a medication without the actual use of medicines. Moreover, no visible side effects are associated with the practice of Yoga on a regular basis. All you need to know is the most appropriate exercises meant for the structure of your body, while choosing the asanas of the activity. In addition, you need to know the right way of performing the asanas, because any wrong attempt can cause sprains and injuries.

Yoga Tips - Tips For Practicing Yoga

Yoga Tips

  • Deriving its philosophy from the Indian metaphysical beliefs, Yoga aims to strike a balance between mind and body and attain self-enlightenment. One of the oldest physical discipline in existence, it makes the use of movement, breath, posture, relaxation and meditation to establish a healthy, lively and balanced approach to life. Yoga brings stability and relaxation to the mind and helps the individual to have a clear thinking. Apart from its cognitive benefits, Yoga serves as the best medium to enhance the beauty and the being of a person. However, performing Yoga requires a person to follow some specific guidelines, in order to achieve best results. There are various do's and don'ts that a person needs to follow before, while and after performing Yoga. To know more about Yoga practicing guide, browse through the following lines.

Practicing Of Yoga

Tips For Practicing Yoga

  • The most appropriate time for practicing Yoga is in the morning, before breakfast. This is because it is the time, when our mind is calm, composed and fresh and the body movements can be performed, with considerable ease and vigor.
  • To get started, you need to have the urge and confidence in yourself.
  • To practice Yoga, the place chose must be calm, quiet, ventilated, dust free, moisture free and also distraction free.
  • Before you start practicing Yoga, it is very important for you to clear your bowels and bladder as well as clean your nostrils and throat of all mucus. You must also drink a glass of lukewarm water.
  • Yoga clothing should be loose and as comfortable as possible. Form-fitting cotton/Lycra pants and shirts are the best.
  1. Wait for a few minutes and then you can start.
  2.  Like all other work outs, you must begin with easy poses, thereafter you can advance to the tough ones. Be methodical and systematic.
  3.  Remember, to start with your movements should be light and if you feel fatigue in between you must discontinue.
  4. Yoga must energize and not cause weariness and depression.
  5. You must take breaks in between, if a particular step or exercise proves tiring.
  6. For a person performing Yoga, the diet should be a balanced and you should eat after an interval of 4 hours.
  7. The quantity of food should be such that it satisfies your appetite. Generally, the ratio composition of meals should be - grains and cereals (30% of the calorific value), dairy products (20%), vegetables and roots (25%), fruits and honey (20%) and nuts (5%).
  8. Over eating and fasting should be avoided. At the same time, you must try to avoid stale food.
  9. While performing Yoga, your breathing should be long and deep. You must remember to keep your mouth close and inhale and exhale, only through the nose.
  10. You should always keep a Yoga mat, made of some comfortable materials. For lying postures use a woolen carpet and spread a clean sheet over it.
  11. Remember, while doing yoga, you should not get a feeling of pain or discomfort. If you do, you are not doing it in the right manner or you need to adjust your pose to suit you better.
  12. If you are a beginner, do not just impinge on doing the tough tasks. Remember, you need to always begin with the easy postures and then, proceed to the difficult ones. You should follow the graded steps of Yoga.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Tips About Daily Hair Care

  • How you treat your hair on a daily basis can make a real difference in your appearance. Learn the best daily hair care practices so you can get the shiny, healthy hair you want and deserve!
  • Shampooing, conditioning, hot oil treatments, serums, and sprays — what do we really need to do to keep our hair healthy and looking its best? Here’s what you need to know to make the most of your daily hair care routine.
  • Shampooing, conditioning, hot oil treatments, serums, and sprays — what do we really need to do to keep our hair healthy and looking its best? Here’s what you need to know to make the most of your daily hair care routine.
Daily Hair Care

  • You may not spend much time thinking about it, but your daily hair care routine can make a real impact on your appearance. Washing your hair too often or not often enough, using the wrong hair products, even how you brush your hair can either enhance its luster or cause dryness and damage.
  • Daily hair care also includes caring for your scalp because that’s where hair develops. The hair below the surface of your skin is the part that’s alive; you need to nourish these roots in order for the hair shaft — the part of the hair that’s exposed — to appear healthy and lustrous. Choosing moisturizing hair care products and minimizing blow drying and chemical treatments to your hair keeps your scalp — and your hair — looking its best.
Why Wash?

  • Washing your hair is the most critical element of daily hair care. Throughout the day, hair collects dirt and grime from everything you’re exposed to — pollution, cigarette smoke, dust, etc. Even if you stayed inside all day, you would still have buildup of dead skin cells from your scalp which can cause infection if not washed away on a regular basis. Regular shampooing is essential for removing this buildup from your hair and scalp and keeping it clean.

What Makes Hair Oily?

  • In addition to buildup of dirt, many women also complain about buildup of natural oils. What you think of as oil is actually sebum, a substance produced by glands in the skin of your scalp, which nourishes and protects the hair. However, too much sebum — as you probably guessed — can make hair look oily and clump together. Washing hair with shampoo helps remove excess sebum along with other dirt particles, leaving hair feeling fresh and clean again.
How Often Should I Shampoo?

  • Although daily hair care implies daily shampooing, women who are lucky enough to have normal hair — that is, not too dry or too oily — achieve the best results when they wash their hair only every other day. Washing hair too often can overdry the hair from the astringents in most shampoos; it can also cause an overproduction of sebum, which makes hair extra oily. However, if your hair tends to be oily, you probably need to shampoo every day. On the other side of the spectrum, dry hair is often most manageable and soft when you wait at least two or three days between shampoos.
  • Each time you shampoo, pay close attention to the way you massage the shampoo into your hair. Many women rub shampoo into the scalps vigorously; this both loosens scalp cells — think big white flakes on your shoulders — and can also split or break hair, especially if your hair is long. Use a gentle touch and always apply shampoo at the hair roots, slowly working it out towards the ends.
Do I Need Conditioner?

  • Yes, conditioner is a key hair product necessary for moisturizing and maintaining soft, healthy hair. Women with oily hair may find thick, creamy conditioners to be too heavy for their hair; a light, clear conditioner is better for their daily hair care. Those with dry hair should opt for the creamy conditioners, leaving them on the scalp for several minutes each time to ensure the moisturizing ingredients penetrate the hair. In addition, women with dry hair should apply a deep conditioning hair product to their hair once a week to promote both softness and shine.
Combing and Brushing

  • Combing and brushing your hair serves several functions in daily hair care: untangling knots, removing debris, and distributing sebum throughout the hair. When your hair is wet, it is most vulnerable to damage, so comb your hair after your shower only with a wide tooth comb — no brushing until it’s dry. For optimal softness and shine, brush your hair with a boar bristle brush instead of a plastic brush. No need to count to 100; just brush softly from your roots to your tips. It may also be helpful to divide hair into several sections before combing or brushing. Always clean your comb and brush after each use.

A few more things to remember:

  • Avoid tying hair too tightly — it can damage or break hair. Never use rubber bands — instead look for elastics that won’t damage your hair.
  • Wrap hair in a silk scarf for sleeping to avoid tangles.
  • Use minimal amounts of hair products. They can weigh down hair or cause dryness or flakes.
  • Go easy on the heat. Daily blow-drying, curling, and straight-ironing take a toll on your hair. If you blow-dry every day, use the cool setting and keep curling and straightening to a minimum.
  • Your hair’s health will reflect what you eat, so drink plenty of water and follow a balanced diet.
  • It’s time to take a close look at your daily hair care regimen. Vibrant, healthy hair can be yours as soon as today!

All About Health And Fitness

  • Welcome to health and fitness site, offering you complete information about your health fitness and nutrition. We hope the information provided to you will be helpful to you in getting the desired results.

Your guide to health and fitnessRegular exercise can make you feel great and can help you achieve the following:

•Weight loss


•Competitive training – marathon, regular sport etc.

With the right equipment such as an exercise bike, cross trainer, home gym, tread mill or rowing machine, you can put together the perfect workout at home

Getting startedThinking about your exercise goals is the first step to choosing the right exercise equipment for you:

•If you want to keep fit and healthy, an exercise bike is great for your heart and lungs

•If you want to tone up, a cross trainer works several sets of muscles, while a home gym can add strength and definition

•If you want to lose weight, a treadmill or cross trainer will help you to burn calories at a steady pace, without giving you bulging muscles

•If you want to build up strength, try a rowing machine for your shoulders, or a home gym for all-over power

•If you want to build stamina, combine a treadmill or exercise bike with a home gym to add strength

•If you’re training for an event, mix aerobic workouts on a treadmill or exercise bike with core strength sessions on a rowing machine or home gym

Main types of training

•Cardiovascular training - refers to the fitness of your heart and lungs and encourages blood to pump around your body, carrying oxygen and energy to your muscles.

•Strength training - helps develop your muscles for definition or certain sports. Weights add 'resistance' to make you work harder

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