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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tips To Get Six Pack ABS

For men, losing the proverbial beer belly as a result of drinking or leading a sedentary lifestyle is always a challenge. For some women, losing the excess fat that they have gained in their stomach after giving birth, for example, is even more difficult.

What makes developing six pack abs such a challenge – even for professional bodybuilders – is the fact that the abdominal area is a pretty difficult muscle group to target. In the same vein, as people age, losing the excess fat that you have on your stomach becomes a bit more difficult, although not impossible.


So what are you supposed to do if you would like to have ripped, sexy, developed muscles in the abdominal area? The key is to combine exercise with a healthier lifestyle. To help you achieve your goal, here are the top six tips to get six pack abs:

(1). Unlearn the myths that you have about how to develop six pack abs.
Over the years, how many words of wisdom about developing six pack abs have you learned? One of the most common is that you have to slave away in the gym doing endless repetitions of crunches if you want to develop six pack abs. Sure, it does help to perform crunches to have lean, ripped abs, but that’s not all there is to it.

Other existing myths about six pack abs is that you cannot get it because of your genes; you need to workout everyday in order to have it; or that you cannot develop six pack abs without the help of a specific abs exercise equipment. Genes don’t have anything to do with developing six pack abs. Also, those pricey abs exercise equipments being sold on television might help in some way, but they are not necessarily the sole key to getting six pack abs.

(2). Work on losing the excess fat in your belly first.
This is actually the number one rule that you need to follow if you wish to develop six pack abs. You cannot achieve such goal without ‘uncovering’ the muscles in your belly first, something which can be achieved by losing the fat in this area.

(3). Know which exercises target the muscles in your abdomen.
After getting rid of the fat in your belly, now comes the time to start targeting the muscles in your abdomen. Using a home gym system, you can perform muscle building exercises which target the abs like crunches, leg lifts, lying hip raise, raised leg crunches, leg cycles and cross crunch.
Rather than breaking your neck doing the classic sit-ups, performing crunches is a much better idea. For this, you need to lie flat on the floor and using your abs and buttocks, lift your feet up as high as you can. Lower your legs without letting your buttocks touch the floor – and repeat the exercise. No matter which of the aforementioned muscle building exercises it is that you will perform, make sure to take on the proper posture from the beginning to the end of the exercise to experience maximum results.

(4). Perform cardio and aerobic exercise in addition to the targeted abs exercises.
In addition to the abs-targeting exercises, you should also keep your heart healthy by doing cardio exercises and complete body workout like aerobic exercises. This is bound to get your blood pumping while keeping your muscles taut.

(5). Take plenty of rest in between workouts.
Did you know that it is actually during the time of rest in between workouts that your muscles literally grow? To help keep your stomach muscles tight and ripped, make sure to get plenty of rest in between workouts.

(6). Increase the protein content in your diet.
Lastly, protein is the primary component of maintaining muscle mass which also boosts your metabolism – so this will help greatly in letting you achieve your goal of developing ripped, six pack abs.

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