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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Beauty Tips and Advice For Dark Circles in Eyes

This skin problem is a condition that afflicts a significant number of our population. We are all prone to the appearance of this skin problem. Because the skin in this part of our face is thinner, it is vulnerable to damages.

But let me tell you some Beauty tips on how to get out of dark circles under your eyes:

1. Exercise daily to improve blood circulation. If you are stressed out all the time, your skin tends to look paler. Your circulatory functions are not working properly during this time. You need to exercise to boost blood circulation. It will make your face look more vibrant and less stressed. In addition to that, exercising can help release endorphin. This is the hormone that encourages “feel-good” feelings. This will make you feel more energetic.

2. Stay away from the sun’s UV rays. When you are going outdoors, you might want to use sun glasses or apply sun block. UV rays tend to mess up with the core functions of our dermis. The skin under your eyes is more vulnerable to the damaging effects of the sun’s UV rays. These rays speed up the aging process of the dermis. Your thin skin can get thinner.

3. Use an ideal eye cream. Your eye cream should be made up of natural ingredients such as Eyeliss, Haloxyl and Babassu. Eyeliss is an ingredient that plumps up weak skin cells. This is made up of natural peptides. Peptides can improve cellular circulation. This ingredient can also improve the thickness of the dermis. Haloxyl can lessen haemoglobin in red blood cells. Due to improper circulation, some cells leak to the surface layers of the skin. By lessening the haemoglobin that gives red color to them, you are lessening the appearance of dark circles. Babassu contains emollient properties. This ingredient creates an invisible shield on the surface of the skin to ward of external aging factors such as toxins, allergens and pollutants.

4. Use chamomile tea bags. Soak chamomile tea bags in lukewarm water first. The temperature of the water can help loosen up constricted blood vessels. Apply the chamomile tea bags under your eyes. Let it stay on your skin for about 15 minutes. Chamomile also contains components that can reduce leaking red cells.

Tags: Avoid Dark Circles, Beauty Tips, Skin Care Tips

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