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Thursday, August 19, 2010

How to Look Young – Drinking Water is Helpfull?

It’s common knowledge that drinking plenty of water every day is a big part of the secret on how to look young. Or is it?

Gulp all the water you want every day, but if your cells can’t absorb that moisture correctly, you might as well save your bladder the trouble – at least as far as anti aging hydration goes.

When we are young, the human body produces plentiful amounts of a vital substance named Glucosamine.
  • You see, when we’re young, or bodies produce generous amounts of what is known as Glucosamine. The key role of Glucosamine is to keep moisture in your cells. It’s a highly vital, natural moisturizer, and it is partly responsible for keeping our faces “young and plump” when we are young.
  • It is also a major reason why your face drops its plumpness to the wayside as you age (along with loss of collagen). As you get older, Glucosoamine levels diminish, along with your skin’s ability to hold water. As you age, your skin and body has less and less ability to absorb the water you supply it with, and so you dry up, and lines and wrinkles ensue.


  • It’s great news for you, as you now know this, and as you may know, Glucosamine is available for sale in most health food shops. When you start giving your body this vital component to youth, it will help your body mimic what it did when you were in your teens. What do you think that means?
  • Younger looking skin! Smoother complexion, smaller pores – basically a younger, much better feeling version of yourself. If you purchase Glucosamine, make sure you get what is known as Glucosamine Sulfate. There are other types, but they have found to not be as effective towards wrinkle reduction as Glucosamine Sulfate.
  • Alright, so consuming water isn’t completely pointless, as the body does need water. However, drinking water beyond what you normally do to satisfy your thirst is in fact pretty close to being pointless. Until now, that is, because now you know the secret.
  • Of course, just because you’re taking Glucosamine does not mean that now you’re going to all of a sudden look 20 years younger. That is why it is important that you apply a high quality anti aging/anti wrinkle cream after washing your face morning and night.
Tags: Beauty Tips, Look Young, Skin Care Tips

1 comment:

  1. Drinking water is a help in reducing your weight whilst keeping healthy. Drinking water does not only replace the minerals lost in your body from sweating and urinating, water also triggers a fat burning metabolism process happening in the kidney.
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