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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Top 10 Hair Loss Causes

Hair Loss Caused by Stress
  • Hair loss is a common occurrence between both men and women alike. However, a lot of people may have experienced a dramatic increase in hair loss because of stress. It is no mere coincidence and there is actually a whole science behind this association...
  • People undergoing certain medication have reported or been observed to suffer thinning hair. Clinical studies point to some medical products that have unwanted side effects that include hair loss...
Hair Loss Caused by Thyroid
  • Although there are a lot of medical situations or conditions that may cause hair loss such as surgery, certain medications, and nutritional deficiencies, hair loss caused by thyroid issues is definitely one of the more prominent afflictions among men and women alike...
Hair Loss Caused by Weight Loss

  • It is true that there are more than just a few reasons behind hair loss. However, there are also a number of both stories and studies that link this condition with weight loss...
Hair Loss Caused by Hormones

  • Before we get into the discussion of hair loss caused by hormones, it is necessary to first understand the role of testosterone – the sex hormone in males. Along with other hormones that also share the same masculinizing effects, testosterone is also produced in the male’s testicles...
Hair Loss Caused by Birth Control
  • Birth control can be a traumatic stressful event in a woman’s life. For whatever reason, using birth control pills, terminating a pregnancy as well as childbirth can cause changes in the woman’s hormonal balance that can trigger hair follicles to eventually fall out...
Hair Loss Caused by Chemotherapy

  • Anagen Effluvium, also known as cancer treatment hair loss, is the scientific name of hair loss caused by Chemotherapy. In this type of condition, sudden loss of hair is experienced by the patient as a direct result of the exposure to chemicals and radiation involved in Chemotherapy...
Hair Loss Caused by Antibiotics
  • There is probably no drug in the market that does not have its own set of side effects. Perhaps this is even truer when it comes to antibiotics. These types of medications can be considered as more powerful as they serve specialized functions in order to cure specific ailments. One possible side effect of antibiotics is hair loss...
Hair Loss Caused by Fungus

  • Although there are a number of known fungal infections that may cause some type of hair loss, Tinea Capitis is probably the most common type of hair loss fungal infection. This particular infection actually affects the scalp and is also known in some circles as the scalp ringworm...
Hair Loss Caused by Vitamin Deficiency

  • Although a majority of adults understand that hair loss caused by vitamin deficiency is one of the more common types of causes for this particular condition, there are still some who refuse to recognize this fact. The truth is that our bodies need a number of essential vitamins and minerals in order to function effectively...

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